Here’s some useful car maintenance information you’ll need to know!
Opening the bonnet
Regular checks mean you are less likely to have a breakdown. Weekly checks are good, and definitely check before a long journey. To release the bonnet, in the tuition car, there is a pull handle located inside the drivers footwell. Some cars have one in the passenger footwell and you need to secure the bonnet with a bar stay. Normally, all checks should be carried out with a cold engine, and on a flat level surface.
A) Washer fluid
This is where you put your screen wash. You can buy neat screenwash, or ready made, at the local supermarket, garage or autofactors. Follow the instructions on the packaging.
B) Coolant expansion tank
This is where your water and antifreeze mix belongs. You check the level is between the minimum and maximum marks on the container.
Never undo this when your engine has been running. It carries the warning triangle because with heat the system becomes pressurised. This means steam will rush out and scald you if the lid is undone while the engine is hot.
C) Brake fluid
(Hidden top rear left of the engine bay)Just as important is checking your hydraulic fluid levels. If there isn’t enough, your car won’t brake efficiently or possibly at all. Again the tuition car self monitors this. In some cars you have a visible tank and you are checking the level is between the maximum and minimum marks on the container.
D) Oil filler cap
For the tuition car you go into the cars menu and it self checks the oil level, or you can go old stool and use the dip stick. This cap in the engine is where you would top it up if needed. Oil lubricates the moving parts of the engine and it’s important to find out which oil is right for your car.
E) Dip stick
Oil levels should be checked with a cool engine and the car parked on a flat and level surface. Remove the dip stick and wipe it off. Put it back in fully then take it out again. The oil should sit between the two lines. The top line marks the max and the bottom marks the minimum. If it’s near the minimum it’s time to top up. Be careful not to overfill past the max line as that is just as bad for the engine as not enough oil in it!